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Tony Austin
Tony Austin
Posts : 145
Join date : 2021-05-10
Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Drag and Drop not working for me Empty Drag and Drop not working for me

Sun May 16, 2021 5:26 pm
I am not able to drag files and drop them onto a Pandora message that I'm editing. (Drag'n'Drop works fine for Eudora.)

Brana has suggested that this might be cause by an AV program, so I checked the only two that I have: Windows Defender and Acronis True Image (which has a protection mode). I switched these both off but still cannot drag files into Pandora. I also ran a "Take Ownership" command against the Pandora folder, but (as I expected) this made no difference.

I suspect that Windows 10, somehow or other, might be causing the problem, it can be pretty obscure in its protection mechanisms.

Any thoughts?
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Age : 79
Location : Sachse, Texas US

Drag and Drop not working for me Empty Re: Drag and Drop not working for me

Sun May 16, 2021 6:32 pm
NotesTracker wrote:I am not able to drag files and drop them onto a Pandora message that I'm editing. (Drag'n'Drop works fine for Eudora.)

Brana has suggested that this might be cause by an AV program, so I checked the only two that I have: Windows Defender and Acronis True Image (which has a protection mode). I switched these both off but still cannot drag files into Pandora. I also ran a "Take Ownership" command against the Pandora folder, but (as I expected) this made no difference.

I suspect that Windows 10, somehow or other, might be causing the problem, it can be pretty obscure in its protection mechanisms.

Any thoughts?

My first thought is you are not starting the drag at the right place.  In the top left corner of the message on the truck icon below the envelope icon, place the mouse, left-click to select the message, and then drag it to the desired mailbox.

I also had trouble losing messages when doing the drag-and-drop.  Turns out, I was dropping the message on the Local Mailboxes but did not realize it.  To open the Local Mailboxes place the cursor on the Local Mailboxes icon, and Shift-Left-DoubleClick.  The Local Mailboxes will open just as a regular mailbox.

Forget what I just wrote.  I realized you were talking about something else.  The following comment is more on-point.

What Happens when you attempt to drag a file and drop it on the new message?

I am able to jeft-click drag files from either the desktop or a file-explorer window to the Pandora new-message window.  A graphic file results in a dialog window asking to insert or attach the file.  Other files are attached to the message.

Are you able to attach files to the message using Crtl-H?

Tony Austin
Tony Austin
Posts : 145
Join date : 2021-05-10
Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Drag and Drop not working for me Empty Re: Drag and Drop not working for me

Mon May 17, 2021 12:40 am
Butch, yes I am able to use the Ctrl+H method to attach files (or the "Attach File" button on the main Pandora toolbar, which avoids having to switch from mouse to keyboard). This method of attaching files is appropriate in some circumstances.

But as you realised it's dragging files from either the desktop or a file-explorer window to the Pandora new-message window -- no need to switch to using the keyboard -- that puzzlingly doesn't work for me.
Posts : 293
Join date : 2018-06-04
Age : 79
Location : Sachse, Texas US

Drag and Drop not working for me Empty Re: Drag and Drop not working for me

Mon May 17, 2021 3:20 am
NotesTracker wrote:Butch, yes I am able to use the Ctrl+H method to attach files (or the "Attach File" button on the main Pandora toolbar, which avoids having to switch from mouse to keyboard). This method of attaching files is appropriate in some circumstances.

But as you realised it's dragging files from either the desktop or a file-explorer window to the Pandora new-message window -- no need to switch to using the keyboard --  that puzzlingly doesn't work for me.

I am puzzled that drag-and-drop does not work for you.  Unfortunately, I an unable to make additional suggestions.


A thought just struck.

Is it possible that you do not have Pandora set as the default email program?

Posts : 316
Join date : 2018-06-02

Drag and Drop not working for me Empty Re: Drag and Drop not working for me

Mon May 17, 2021 11:43 pm
Can you drag and drop from Attachments pane (View/Attachments) onto a new message?
Tony Austin
Tony Austin
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Join date : 2021-05-10
Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Drag and Drop not working for me Empty Re: Drag and Drop not working for me

Tue May 18, 2021 7:37 am
I hadn't even noticed much explored the Attachments pane before. My gosh, Brana, coming from Eudora I'm still finding more and more goodies that you've crammed into Pandora. Cool

And the answer is: Yes, I am able to drag and drop from the Attachments pane into the message body.

So the question now becomes: What is different about dragging from an internal Pandora component (the Attachments pane) versus dragging from a Windows component (the Desktop, or File Explorer)? Beats me! ... Does it signify something to you?
Posts : 316
Join date : 2018-06-02

Drag and Drop not working for me Empty Re: Drag and Drop not working for me

Wed May 26, 2021 8:31 am
Yes, when you drag and drop file from/to File Explorer to/from Pandora it's a joint-operation so to speak. If it's blocked by say Windows, it's a no go.
When you drag and drop filters up/down list, or drag attachment from Attachments pane onto a new message, that's all Pandora (internal operation).
Tony Austin
Tony Austin
Posts : 145
Join date : 2021-05-10
Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Drag and Drop not working for me Empty Re: Drag and Drop not working for me

Wed May 26, 2021 10:20 am
I'd like to know why Pandora is the only Windows app that I cannot use as the target of a drag and drop operation.

Similarly I wonder why dragging messages from opne folder to another in Pandora only works some of the time -- mostly, none of the time -- whereas it works fast and flawlessly in Eudora.

Could these be two symptoms of the same underlying issue? I'm puzzled, and my web searches have led to no insights or solution. H-E-E-E-E-L-P.
Tony Austin
Tony Austin
Posts : 145
Join date : 2021-05-10
Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Drag and Drop not working for me Empty A further discovery - one drag-and-drop source that does work

Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:47 am
Another day, another discovery. As described above, previously I haven't been able to drag-and-drop an attachment from either the Windows Desktop or Windows File Explorer into a message being edited (for Pandora versions 3.6.7 and 3.6.9 and 3.7.2).

Just by chance, today I found that drag-and-drop DOES WORK if the source is Everything search engine (the excellent freebie from from I have not the slightest idea why this works but the others two sources don't. Perhaps it's some sort of permissions issue on my individual Windows 10 installation. And repeating the question, why is this happening with Pandora but Eudora doesn't have this issue? Anybody got an ideas?

Drag and Drop not working for me Pandora_insert_attachment_via_drag-and-drop_failure

Drag and Drop not working for me Pandora_insert_attachment_via_drag-and-drop_success

Drag and Drop not working for me Pandora_insert_attachment_via_drag-and-drop_overview
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Drag and Drop not working for me Empty Re: Drag and Drop not working for me

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