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Posts : 23
Join date : 2021-09-13

Paste text using existing format Empty Paste text using existing format

Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:35 pm
Often when composing and email one wants to paste some text, but not the formatting of the copied text. The intent is to paste the text so the formatting at the point of insertion/paste is used. But I don't see an option to do this in Pandora, even with the right-click context menu.

Most email clients, including Eudora and Outlook, have a 'paste unformatted' option. In Eudora this is implemented via the 'Paste Special' right-click context menu, then selecting 'Unformatted Text'. The expectation is that all formatting (including links) is removed from the pasted text, and the formatting at the insertion point is used, which is the behavior of Eudora.

I'm guessing there's a way to do this in Pandora, but I'm just missing it.
Posts : 316
Join date : 2018-06-02

Paste text using existing format Empty Re: Paste text using existing format

Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:08 am
Shift + Edit/Paste menu
Posts : 23
Join date : 2021-09-13

Paste text using existing format Empty Re: Paste text using existing format

Fri Jan 28, 2022 2:16 pm
Thanks, Ctrl+Shift+V did the trick!

When composing email I often want to paste as 'plain text'. With my bad memory, hotkey combos are often quickly forgotten. It would be helpful if the comprehensive paste option was accessible from the right-click context popup menu. This would enable intuitive pasting of text for the memory-challenged Very Happy

Before posting this topic, I searched the help for 'paste' but didn't find the answer. I just looked at the shortcut keys list in the help, and Ctrl+Shift+V isn't on the list. Seems there are quite a few shortcut keys available in Pandora. It would be nice to have a comprehensive/updated shortcut key list in the help file.

Does 'Shift + Edit/Paste menu' mean 'hold the Shift key while clicking on the Edit menu'? When doing so the menu appears to be the same as when Shift isn't pressed. As an aside, seems that Edit menu should offer all paste options without any special (i.e. Shift) keypresses needed.

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Tony Austin
Tony Austin
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Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Paste text using existing format Empty Re: Paste text using existing format

Sat Jan 29, 2022 2:24 am
I think that Brana meant:
(1) Select the right-click context menu, then hold the Shift key and left-click the "Paste" entry.
(2) The "Pasting Options" dialog opens. Select one of the text formatting options from the "Paste as" list.

Paste text using existing format Pandor11
Tony Austin
Tony Austin
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Join date : 2021-05-10
Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Paste text using existing format Empty Re: Paste text using existing format

Sat Jan 29, 2022 2:37 am
Being more specific, I should have said:
(1) From within the message being edited (not the Edit menu) ... Select the right-click context menu, then hold the Shift key and left-click the "Paste" entry.
Posts : 316
Join date : 2018-06-02

Paste text using existing format Empty Re: Paste text using existing format

Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:30 am

Some apps use term "un-formatted", however plain text can be formatted in plain text way, it's fairly common practice in e-mail messages (things such as spaces/tabs indents, csv, quote signs, word-wrap, signatures ascii art etc).
That's why Pandora uses, like Windows, terms "Plain Text" and "HTML Formatted", "RTF Formatted" etc.
Plain Text - That's "un-formatted".
HTML-Enriched - That's HTML formatted.
HTML-Enriched Derived from Plain Text - That's plain text version but with preserved (e-mail friendly) line-structure/paragraphs.

Starting with next version (4.15) we'll be able to paste tabular data/comma separated values as well, in the original form, and as tables (HTML).
So, you'll be able to copy cells from spreadsheet app and paste into the message as table.
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Paste text using existing format Empty Re: Paste text using existing format

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