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Join date : 2022-05-30

Pandora Test Run Empty Pandora Test Run

Mon May 30, 2022 9:49 pm

I tried Pandora years ago, but wanted to give it another shot.

I've imported from Eudora, but the dominant personality fails.

Set in Eudora as Required - Alt Port for POP and SMTP

I use my own domain and have tried the settings listed by Bluehost to no avail.

They say POP 995 and SMTP 465


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Age : 80
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Pandora Test Run Empty Re: Pandora Test Run

Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:43 pm
_John_ wrote:Hi,

I tried Pandora years ago, but wanted to give it another shot.

I've imported from Eudora, but the dominant personality fails.

Set in Eudora as Required - Alt Port for POP and SMTP

I use my own domain and have tried the settings listed by Bluehost to no avail.

They say POP 995 and SMTP 465


You need to install the current Pandora version and if the license you have is not a Series 4 version license, you need to purchase a new license.

You need to specify exactly what is entered in each box for the Dominant personality Checking Mail and Sending Mail options.

You need to specify exactly what error messages are received when the Dominant personality fails.

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