Pandora Mail Forum
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Posts : 19
Join date : 2022-10-06

FEATURE REQUEST that I'd like to see in the future! Empty FEATURE REQUEST that I'd like to see in the future!

Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:08 pm
I would like to ask for a feature to where you can sort new emails to the top of the list, instead of the bottom like in my current set up in Outlook.

I've been using Outlook ( that comes with my Microsoft One Drive subscription) temporarily while I get some kinks sorted out with Pandora, of which I think , Brana replied to me and got all of the kinks sorted out for me!

Now to figure out how to import my emails from Outlook to Pandora!

Posts : 295
Join date : 2018-06-04
Age : 80
Location : Sachse, Texas US

FEATURE REQUEST that I'd like to see in the future! Empty Re: FEATURE REQUEST that I'd like to see in the future!

Wed Oct 12, 2022 6:27 pm
CWM030 wrote:I would like to ask for a feature to where you can sort new emails to the top of the list, instead of the bottom like in my current set up in Outlook.

This feature is already implemented in Pandora.  Left+Click on the menu entry Help, select Topics which will open the Help window. Left+Click on the Mailboxes entry. Read the entire section but in particular the paragraphs under Sorting Messages and Sorting.

As I always suggest, please explore all the Pandora menus and the Help system as there many nuggets of information to improve your Pandora usage.

Hope this helps.

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