- butchkemper
- Posts : 300
Join date : 2018-06-04
Age : 80
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Pandora 5.9.0 Released
Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:52 am
Pandora 5.9.0 has been released as of 12 Dec 2024.
Notice: This Release will require a Series 5 license. Be sure to obtain a new license as the old Series 4 License will not be valid after the new version is installed.
The installer files and release notes are available from the Pandora webpage.
The Release Notes What's New Section:
What's New
User Interface
# When System Default Dark/Light mode is checked, Pandora now applies underlying (system) colors as well.
$ Internal Dark/Light colors are still used when Cosmos (proxy for Dark) or White Smoke (proxy for Light) is checked.
# Colors can be customized now on all supported Windows versions.
$ Theme-file can be used in conjunction with Windows 10/11 Dark/Light modes.
$ The purpose of this is to correct some colors (by removing all other entries from theme file), or to create alternative dark-mode, green-mode, blue-mode etc (by including all entries).
+ Theme file colors preview [Settings/Viewing Mail/User Interface tab].
# Main caption bar can be themed now [Windows 11 Dark/Light Mode].
+ Immersive Aero.
$ Applicable when "Allow theme" is on and "Windows 10 mode" is Off.
$ This is early implementation of Aero theme (upgraded for this occasion), that was removed when corresponding interface was exposed.
$ To activate, add AdjustAeroColors=2 entry under Makeup section of your ini-file (or Pandora's registry branch).
# Pandora was previously re-using active-border color to emphasize one element or another. Now when Accent color can be defined in Windows, that color is used to ac-cent-tchu-ate certain things.
$ Examples for this are:
Message focus rectangle color for the mailbox window that is in the background (so you can know which message will receive the focus when you bring that mailbox to the front).
Mailboxes item outer selection rectangle.
* Floating task-bar buttons colors are congruent with (system) task-bar colors (under Dark/Light mode).
# Floating task-bar buttons are disabled on Windows 11 now.
$ This due some present-day Windows 11 bug, where Windows task-bar suddenly displays buttons of MDI-child windows (messages, mailboxes etc.), after switching from one virtual desktop to another.
$ New Windows 11 task-bar/launcher is _probably_ confusing small floating buttons windows with stand-alone windows.
# Windows High-contrast themes are fully supported now [XP-11].
$ This includes dynamic updates, "dead colors" fix and other improvements.
$ Theme file colors can be specified for high-contrast as well, with the exception of 4 caption bar colors (active/inactive background/text). Those 4 colors will be ignored in high-contrast mode.
* System hyperlink color is no longer ignored.
$ Default hyperlink color in HTML messages (assuming there are no other inline specifications inside message itself) is the one specified in Windows.
To change that default color add HotTrackingColor value inside [Control Panel\Colors] section of your theme-file, for example:
[Control Panel\Colors]
HotTrackingColor=138 172 234
What's New/Version History Legend
+ --> New feature
- --> Removed/obsolete feature
* --> Bugfix
# --> Improvement
$ --> Comment
Notice: This Release will require a Series 5 license. Be sure to obtain a new license as the old Series 4 License will not be valid after the new version is installed.
The installer files and release notes are available from the Pandora webpage.
The Release Notes What's New Section:
What's New
User Interface
# When System Default Dark/Light mode is checked, Pandora now applies underlying (system) colors as well.
$ Internal Dark/Light colors are still used when Cosmos (proxy for Dark) or White Smoke (proxy for Light) is checked.
# Colors can be customized now on all supported Windows versions.
$ Theme-file can be used in conjunction with Windows 10/11 Dark/Light modes.
$ The purpose of this is to correct some colors (by removing all other entries from theme file), or to create alternative dark-mode, green-mode, blue-mode etc (by including all entries).
+ Theme file colors preview [Settings/Viewing Mail/User Interface tab].
# Main caption bar can be themed now [Windows 11 Dark/Light Mode].
+ Immersive Aero.
$ Applicable when "Allow theme" is on and "Windows 10 mode" is Off.
$ This is early implementation of Aero theme (upgraded for this occasion), that was removed when corresponding interface was exposed.
$ To activate, add AdjustAeroColors=2 entry under Makeup section of your ini-file (or Pandora's registry branch).
# Pandora was previously re-using active-border color to emphasize one element or another. Now when Accent color can be defined in Windows, that color is used to ac-cent-tchu-ate certain things.
$ Examples for this are:
Message focus rectangle color for the mailbox window that is in the background (so you can know which message will receive the focus when you bring that mailbox to the front).
Mailboxes item outer selection rectangle.
* Floating task-bar buttons colors are congruent with (system) task-bar colors (under Dark/Light mode).
# Floating task-bar buttons are disabled on Windows 11 now.
$ This due some present-day Windows 11 bug, where Windows task-bar suddenly displays buttons of MDI-child windows (messages, mailboxes etc.), after switching from one virtual desktop to another.
$ New Windows 11 task-bar/launcher is _probably_ confusing small floating buttons windows with stand-alone windows.
# Windows High-contrast themes are fully supported now [XP-11].
$ This includes dynamic updates, "dead colors" fix and other improvements.
$ Theme file colors can be specified for high-contrast as well, with the exception of 4 caption bar colors (active/inactive background/text). Those 4 colors will be ignored in high-contrast mode.
* System hyperlink color is no longer ignored.
$ Default hyperlink color in HTML messages (assuming there are no other inline specifications inside message itself) is the one specified in Windows.
To change that default color add HotTrackingColor value inside [Control Panel\Colors] section of your theme-file, for example:
[Control Panel\Colors]
HotTrackingColor=138 172 234
What's New/Version History Legend
+ --> New feature
- --> Removed/obsolete feature
* --> Bugfix
# --> Improvement
$ --> Comment
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