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Join date : 2019-02-15

Attachment Folders Empty Attachment Folders

Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:19 pm
With Eudora I set up a new attachment folder each month to keep better track of them.

Is this something I can do with Pandora?

Thanks for your help,

Posts : 316
Join date : 2018-06-02

Attachment Folders Empty Re: Attachment Folders

Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:56 am
That's Settings/Attachments, click on Attachments Folder button and specify the new path.
Posts : 2
Join date : 2023-10-26

Attachment Folders Empty Re: Attachment Folders

Thu Oct 26, 2023 11:31 am
The program is located in the following installation folder:
C:\Program Files\PandoraMail.
It is possible to create the following folder for attachments:
C:\Attach\ ?
Posts : 295
Join date : 2018-06-04
Age : 80
Location : Sachse, Texas US

Attachment Folders Empty Re: Attachment Folders

Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:09 am
Panpan23 wrote:The program is located in the following installation folder:
C:\Program Files\PandoraMail.
It is possible to create the following folder for attachments:
C:\Attach\ ?

On the Pandora menu bar, click on Session, select Information, and click which will open a Session Information window.  The first item User Data Folder:  gives the location of the Pandora data folder.  The Attachments Folder item is the location where the attachments are stored.

I  have Pandora store attachments in the message.  This is controlled by in the Settings / General / Attachments.  The first item has options to store sent and received attachments as files.  The second options has options to store sent and received inline images as files.  If you leave these options blank, then the attachments and inline images are stored within the message.  The location of the attachments and inline images folders are controlled by the next items - click on the location and a Browse For Folder window opens to allow you to change the folder where the attachments and inline images are saved.

I save messages in a monthly folder, ie, "Oct 2023 Email" and later move the monthly folder in a yearly folder, ie, "Mail2023.  Previous yearly folders are saved in "Email Previous Years" folder. Saving the attachments and inline images within the message resolves any problems caused by having attachments and inline images saved in a folder which you then have to manage.

Hope this helps.

Posts : 2
Join date : 2023-10-26

Attachment Folders Empty Re: Attachment Folders

Mon Oct 30, 2023 6:00 pm
Thanks, all clear!
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Attachment Folders Empty Re: Attachment Folders

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