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Brujo Feo
Posts : 21
Join date : 2019-06-27

Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes Empty Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes

Wed Dec 18, 2019 10:51 pm
Is this the right place to leave requests for new features? Or perhaps this is already provided for, and I just need to find the setting...

I archive everything, which means that I had in Eudora (and eventually will have in Pandora) many hundreds of mailboxes, perhaps thousands. In Eudora, it "cascades" the top-level mailboxes into several columns--as many as necessary to show them all. In Pandora, it only gives one column, so that (to cite just one example), to get down to "Travel," I have to scroll way down before I can open it to "Delta," "Hilton," "Travelocity," etc. (I could send a screen shot...)

Is there a way to make the top-level mailboxes cascade into columns, instead of having to scroll down? It would save a lot of time.
Posts : 316
Join date : 2018-06-02

Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes Empty Re: Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes

Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:17 pm
Brujo, send us the screen shots please (Help/Send Feedback/Suggest New Feature). That is the best way to suggest new feature. Thank you.
Brujo Feo
Posts : 21
Join date : 2019-06-27

Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes Empty Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes

Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:30 am

Not a HUGE need (I have another much more pressing that I'll post about in a bit), but I DO appreciate the rapid response!
Posts : 316
Join date : 2018-06-02

Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes Empty Re: Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes

Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:40 am
For search and fast access to mailboxes, and to have them listed (as opposed to a tree view) hit View/Mailboxes then hit F3.
Brujo Feo
Posts : 21
Join date : 2019-06-27

Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes Empty Where is Help/Send Feedback/Suggest New Feature?

Fri Dec 27, 2019 12:01 am
Hmmm...I'm feeling a bit dense today. Nowhere on the website do I see ANY link to any of the suggested language.

Nor do I see an obvious link here to attach an image. I'm trying to upload two *.jpg files. One shows how Eudora displays mailboxes. They all show at once, using as many columns as necessary. Easy to sweep the mouse to wherever it is needed.

Pandora, on the other hand, only shows ONE column, forcing one to scroll up or down to see the hidden ones. Time-consuming.

Also, once one has done the "View Mailboxes, F3" does one UN-do it?
Posts : 316
Join date : 2018-06-02

Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes Empty Re: Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes

Fri Dec 27, 2019 6:32 am
Press F7 to expand mailboxes tree over the entire pane.

You were looking to turn off scrolling for mailboxes menu:
1. Hold down Shift key and press Settings/General.
2. Scroll down to and click on WrapMenu.
3. Enter 50, hit Change, restart Pandora.
Brujo Feo
Posts : 21
Join date : 2019-06-27

Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes Empty Cascading Mailboxes--Wrap Doesn't Work

Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:38 pm
No...I followed the directions and changed the value to 50. No change at all; as soon as you make enough mailboxes to begin populating a second doesn't. It just gives you the scroll option, precisely as it did when the value was 0.
Posts : 293
Join date : 2018-06-04
Age : 79
Location : Sachse, Texas US

Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes Empty Re: Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes

Wed Jan 22, 2020 9:56 pm
Brujo Feo:

"Also, once one has done the "View Mailboxes, F3" does one UN-do it?'

The ESC key will UN-do the F3 change.

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Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes Empty Re: Suggestion for Cascading Mailboxes

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