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Join date : 2021-04-07

How to get the information for entering the regisration after registering? Empty How to get the information for entering the regisration after registering?

Wed Dec 13, 2023 12:08 am
I purchased a registration for v. 5 today.  Paypal said to go back to vendor, but it didn't let me do that.  How do I get the information (a number?) that registration entitles me to so I can move beyond Demo mode??

While you're at it, I don't think I can find my registration information for version 4.  Is there a way for you to send it to me?
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How to get the information for entering the regisration after registering? Empty Re: How to get the information for entering the regisration after registering?

Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:33 am
seidmad wrote:I purchased a registration for v. 5 today.  Paypal said to go back to vendor, but it didn't let me do that.  How do I get the information (a number?) that registration entitles me to so I can move beyond Demo mode??

While you're at it, I don't think I can find my registration information for version 4.  Is there a way for you to send it to me?

Be patient.  Sometimes the key generation process needs human assistance which may not be immediately available.  Humans unlike computers, have needs that sometimes take them away from immediately responding to requests for help. Wink

If you have not received the new key by the next day, please send a message to Brana Bujenovic <>.  Remember, Brana is a human and possibly not sitting before a computer waiting to give a response. Laughing

You can find the registration information Pandora is currently using by looking  in the [Registration] section of the Pandora.ini file:


UserName= What was entered at registration - Remember exact spelling, spaces, and punctuation marks are significant.
SerialNmber=What was returned by email.

The Registration information was returned to you by email.

Hope this helps.


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Posts : 3
Join date : 2021-04-07

How to get the information for entering the regisration after registering? Empty Re: How to get the information for entering the regisration after registering?

Wed Dec 13, 2023 5:13 pm
Perfect and rapid response.  I hadn't realized the process wasn't fully automated.  Brana has always responded quickly to support requests in the past, and responded quickly with the registration info this time.
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How to get the information for entering the regisration after registering? Empty Re: How to get the information for entering the regisration after registering?

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