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Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-12-08

Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window Empty Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window

Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:40 pm
Eudora displays emails in the full screen.

But I am unable to get Pandora to do that.

Pandora displays the message in a narrow column down the middle of the screen, including also formatting lines . I can enlarge the image using Ctrl+Mouse Wheel, but that's a hassle and does not eliminate the formatting lines.

I have a jpg clip of the problem, but cannot figure out how to insert or attach that jpg clip to this message since the "Insert Image" icon only allows an URL, not a local file.

Appreciate any help!

Posts : 305
Join date : 2018-06-04
Age : 80
Location : Sachse, Texas US

Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window Empty Re: Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window

Tue Mar 29, 2022 11:37 pm
Harry wrote:Eudora displays emails in the full screen.

But I am unable to get Pandora to do that.

Pandora displays the message in a narrow column down the middle of the screen, including also formatting lines . I can enlarge the image using Ctrl+Mouse Wheel, but that's a hassle and does not eliminate the formatting lines.

I have a jpg clip of the problem, but cannot figure out how to insert or attach that jpg clip to this message since the "Insert Image" icon only allows an URL, not a local file.

Appreciate any help!



Have you upgraded to Pandora V4.1.7?

Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-12-08

Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window Empty Re: Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window

Wed Mar 30, 2022 12:42 am
No, but does 4.1.7 solve that known display problem?
Posts : 305
Join date : 2018-06-04
Age : 80
Location : Sachse, Texas US

Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window Empty Re: Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window

Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:45 am
Harry wrote:No, but does 4.1.7 solve that known display problem?


First, I highly recommend you always upgrade to the new Pandora version.  Only once have I encountered a problem with an upgrade but since I save the old Pandora upgrade Zip files, It is quite easy to fall back to a previous version.  

Second, included with every Pandora file is Pandora.txt file which explains the changes, updates, additions, and deletions to Pandora.

Third, I have not encountered the Display problem you are describing.  I think you would be best served by upgrading to the latest version and then checking to see if the problem still present.

Fourth, when a Forum comment is being created, the formatting toolbar contains several icons in particular: Host an Image and Insert an Image.  First Host an Image which uploads it to a server and provides a URL and then use the URL to Insert an Image into the message.

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Join date : 2018-06-02

Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window Empty Re: Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window

Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:40 am
Screen shot indeed can help. You can send one to inline, or to support address (Help/Send Feedback).
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Join date : 2021-12-08

Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window Empty Re: Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window

Wed Mar 30, 2022 7:30 pm
OK, trying the Host Image/Insert an Image route here to include the screen shot:  Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window Pandor10

This screenshot shows a formatted email from Ford displayed in Pandora and you can see that the message is compressed into a narrow column rather than filling the screen as in Eudora.

In Pandora I can use ctrl+mouse roller to expand the display somewhat so it is readable, but this does not eliminate the annoying formatting lines.

Thanks for any help!  -Harry
Posts : 317
Join date : 2018-06-02

Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window Empty Re: Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window

Fri Apr 01, 2022 5:35 pm
No, it's not compressed, you just can see hidden table borders. That was resolved earlier this year, so upgrade.
Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-12-08

Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window Empty Re: Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window

Sun Apr 24, 2022 12:11 am
Thanks. Upgraded and that solved the hidden table borders displaying.

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Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window Empty Re: Viewing emails properly in a full Pandora window

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