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Pandora 4.6 Released Empty Pandora 4.6 Released

Wed Feb 08, 2023 11:57 pm
Pandora 4.6 has been release as of 8 February 2023.  The installer files and release notes are available from the webpage.

The Release Notes What's New section:

What's New

+ Personality/Clear Credentials.
$ Clear access and refresh tokens (OAuth2 authentication).
+ Mailbox/Repair.
$ Repair content and index files and recover damaged messages.
$ Can be used for recovery of accidentally deleted messages as well, if mailbox was not compacted after deletion.
+ Set maximum number of concurrent user tasks [Settings/Background Tasks/Threading].

# Show Notification Strip and Toast Notification are two separate actions now.
+ Show Tray Balloon is new substitute for Toast Notification on Windows versions prior to Windows 10.
$ This action is applicable when system tray icon on.
+ Suspend filers: Incoming/Outgoing [Session menu].
# Copy/Move action: Inaccessible mailboxes are logged now.
+ Make Subject action: We can now use stationery/message templates in Make Subject field.
$ Here are couple of examples:
To add prefix "Read This" to subject, Make Subject field should look like this: Read This %SUBJECT%
To replace subject with senders real name: %FROM_REALNAME%
To append subject with some text: %SUBJECT% some text
# New Filter button creates blank new filter now. To clone selected filter use Shift + New Filter.
+ Criteria button shortcut: Alt+C.
+ Action button shortcut: Alt+O.

User Interface
* Fixed side-effects from update (FCC menu text not drawn; selected menu arrow color was different from selected text color).
* Maximized workspace window image, drawn to the left from menu-bar, did not have transparent background when colors were loaded from theme-file.
# Windows 7 and above: Caption bars of workspace windows (background and text) are colored now when custom theme file is used.
# Windows 7 and above: Main window caption bar is painted now when custom theme file is used, and Allow Windows themes unchecked.
# When MenuBar entry is missing from [Control Panel/Colors] section of theme file, default menu background color is assigned automatically for menu-bar.
# All splitter panes borders are themed now, and slightly thinner (no more "thick white border").
# Some ares that were flat when themed have thin 3d borders now (mailbox column headers, status bar panes).
# System buttons for restored/minimized workspace windows are themed now for Windows 10 Dark-Light mode.
# Menu-bar system buttons, of maximized workspace windows, are now themed too (Minimize/Restore/Close), for Windows XP-10, yeah.

What's New/Version History Legend

+ --> New feature
- --> Removed/obsolete feature
* --> Bugfix
# --> Improvement
$ --> Comment
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