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Tony Austin
Tony Austin
Posts : 146
Join date : 2021-05-10
Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server Empty Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server

Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:31 am
This has happened occasional;ly in the past (I've been using Pandora since April 2021), but in the past week or two has happened sometimes several times per day.

The mail check stalls just before completion, see tasks screenshot:

Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server Pandor43

In some cases, but not all, this is followed by a particular message being expunged from the mail server (see the following screenshot):

Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server Pandor44

In some cases this dialog box closes and Pandora continues working normally. In other cases Pandora locks up and I have to cancel it via Task Manager.

After I restart Pandora, I usually fond that a bunch of pertinent messages are doubled up.

I have no idea which particular message on the server -- message 4 in this example -- or what there might be about that message. I view all incoming messages on the server(s) via MailWasher, and none of them are flagged.

Perhaps the message is in some way malformed and Pandora cannot handle it (just a guess).

Anybody else getting this error, or able to offer an explanation?

Last edited by Tony Austin on Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2018-06-04
Age : 80
Location : Sachse, Texas US

Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server Empty Re: Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server

Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:05 am
I have not seen that problem.

However, this evening after the MS Patch Tuesday update, I restarted the computer.  When the computer was backup, I started Pandora and clicked on Check Mail.  Pandora started the check mail process for each Personality but hung and nothing happened.  I started looking around and found the Open World Community Grid program was driving CPU usage to 95%.

I remembered that I had recently changed the Open World Grid program to no longer suspend when the computer was in use and when the program was running, it could use at most 95% of CPU time.  So, I restored the suspend when computer is in use option back on, CPU utilization dropped, and Pandora began working through the Personalities to complete the check mail process.

So, the lessons I learned were two fold: 1) The option that looked good yesterday might not be good for today; and 2) Never forget the Last Touch rule.

Tony Austin
Tony Austin
Posts : 146
Join date : 2021-05-10
Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server Empty Re: Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server

Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:47 am
Doing a little research about messages being expunged from, a mail serve, see the following Bing search:

Looks like a can of worms.
Posts : 316
Join date : 2018-06-02

Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server Empty Re: Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server

Fri Feb 17, 2023 6:18 am
Try check other devices that may be accessing the same server (phones, notebooks etc).
Tony Austin
Tony Austin
Posts : 146
Join date : 2021-05-10
Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server Empty Re: Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server

Fri Feb 17, 2023 7:39 am
In my case, as far as I know MailWasher is the only other thing accessing the mail server. I have it set to check the server for new messages every 10 minutes.

So who knows? If this happens again (it's only very occasional) I will try to work out if there's any relationship with MailWasher or whatever.
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Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server Empty Re: Pandora mail check recently keeps stalling - Message expunged from server

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