- butchkemper
- Posts : 290
Join date : 2018-06-04
Age : 79
Location : Sachse, Texas US
Pandora 5.6.0 Released
Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:33 pm
Pandora 5.6.0 has been released as of 2 Aug 2023.
Notice: This Release will require a Series 5 license. Be sure to obtain a new license as the old Series 4 License will not be valid after the new version is installed.
The installer files and release notes are available from the webpage.
The Release Notes What's New Section:
What's New
Junk Mail
+ IncludeUnknownWordsSpamCoach=[0/1].
$ When zero, unknown words are not used when calculating spam probability.
+ Unknown words threshold.
$ When number of unknown words, per message, reaches this threshold, message is considered spam.
+ Invalidity points junk threshold.
$ When number of invalidity points, per message, reaches this threshold, message is considered spam.
Address Book
+ View cards by:
Nickname and EMail Address.
Full Name and EMail Address.
+ Cards/Expand All Folders. [Ctrl+Num +]
+ Cards/Collapse All Folders. [Ctrl+Num -]
# Cards count per folder is now displayed on the list; enclosed in brackets when folder is collapsed.
Composing/Viewing Mail
+ Message Lexicon/Language pane.
+ Turn 'spell check as you type' on/off with right-click on Lexicon pane.
+ We can now choose among multiple spell-check dictionaries.
$ Left-click on Lexicon pane to choose the alternative dictionary.
# New source dictionary file-naming convention: [iso language code]-[iso country code].tlx
The first argument is a valid ISO language code as defined by ISO-639.
The second argument is a valid ISO country code as defined by ISO-3166.
$ Examples: en-us.tlx, en-gb.tlx, en-au.tlx, fr-fr.tlx, pt-br.tlx.
# Spanish source dictionary is now included with the installer (es-es.tlx).
# Received edited messages can be checked for spelling now.
Notice: This Release will require a Series 5 license. Be sure to obtain a new license as the old Series 4 License will not be valid after the new version is installed.
The installer files and release notes are available from the webpage.
The Release Notes What's New Section:
What's New
Junk Mail
+ IncludeUnknownWordsSpamCoach=[0/1].
$ When zero, unknown words are not used when calculating spam probability.
+ Unknown words threshold.
$ When number of unknown words, per message, reaches this threshold, message is considered spam.
+ Invalidity points junk threshold.
$ When number of invalidity points, per message, reaches this threshold, message is considered spam.
Address Book
+ View cards by:
Nickname and EMail Address.
Full Name and EMail Address.
+ Cards/Expand All Folders. [Ctrl+Num +]
+ Cards/Collapse All Folders. [Ctrl+Num -]
# Cards count per folder is now displayed on the list; enclosed in brackets when folder is collapsed.
Composing/Viewing Mail
+ Message Lexicon/Language pane.
+ Turn 'spell check as you type' on/off with right-click on Lexicon pane.
+ We can now choose among multiple spell-check dictionaries.
$ Left-click on Lexicon pane to choose the alternative dictionary.
# New source dictionary file-naming convention: [iso language code]-[iso country code].tlx
The first argument is a valid ISO language code as defined by ISO-639.
The second argument is a valid ISO country code as defined by ISO-3166.
$ Examples: en-us.tlx, en-gb.tlx, en-au.tlx, fr-fr.tlx, pt-br.tlx.
# Spanish source dictionary is now included with the installer (es-es.tlx).
# Received edited messages can be checked for spelling now.
Re: Pandora 5.6.0 Released
Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:01 am
Thank you Butch.
Additional dictionaries are now available under Extras section over at Pandora home page.
To add new dictionary:
1. Close Pandora, unzip tlx-file into Pandora program folder.
2. When you start Pandora, it will create corresponding (indexed) lex-file, located inside the main data folder.
To assign newly added dictionary as default one:
1. Go to Settings/Composing Mail > Spell Checking Tab.
2. Select the dictionary from Default Dictionary combo-box. Hit OK.
If you wish to change any dictionary (add, remove or correct words):
1. Close Pandora, delete corresponding lex-file from main data folder.
2. Edit dictionary source tlx-file, save changes and start Pandora.
There are number of sites dedicated to locale specs, here is one that you can use when naming dictionary files:
For example, if you are adding Afrikaans (South Africa) dictionary, name corresponding tlx file: af-za.tlx
Additional dictionaries are now available under Extras section over at Pandora home page.
To add new dictionary:
1. Close Pandora, unzip tlx-file into Pandora program folder.
2. When you start Pandora, it will create corresponding (indexed) lex-file, located inside the main data folder.
To assign newly added dictionary as default one:
1. Go to Settings/Composing Mail > Spell Checking Tab.
2. Select the dictionary from Default Dictionary combo-box. Hit OK.
If you wish to change any dictionary (add, remove or correct words):
1. Close Pandora, delete corresponding lex-file from main data folder.
2. Edit dictionary source tlx-file, save changes and start Pandora.
There are number of sites dedicated to locale specs, here is one that you can use when naming dictionary files:
For example, if you are adding Afrikaans (South Africa) dictionary, name corresponding tlx file: af-za.tlx
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