Pandora Mail Forum
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Tony Austin
Tony Austin
Posts : 146
Join date : 2021-05-10
Location : Melbourne (Australia)

Forum sent announcement of v5.5.0 a month after v6.6.0 was released Empty Forum sent announcement of v5.5.0 a month after v6.6.0 was released

Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:22 pm
Just reporting that today today (05 September 2023) I got an automated mail from the forum announcing the release of Pandora 5.5.0 (on 20 July 2023).

This is rather curious, since Pandora 5.6.0 was announced on 02 August 2023, and I'm guessing that Pandora 5.7.0 will be released fairly soon.
.Forum sent announcement of v5.5.0 a month after v6.6.0 was released Curiou11
Posts : 295
Join date : 2018-06-04
Age : 80
Location : Sachse, Texas US

Forum sent announcement of v5.5.0 a month after v6.6.0 was released Empty Re: Forum sent announcement of v5.5.0 a month after v6.6.0 was released

Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:51 pm
Tony Austin wrote:Just reporting that today today (05 September 2023) I got an automated mail from the forum announcing the release of Pandora 5.5.0 (on 20 July 2023).

This is rather curious, since Pandora 5.6.0 was announced on 02 August 2023, and I'm guessing that Pandora 5.7.0 will be released fairly soon.

I think the message was a "summary of forum activity" sent to all registered users.  I guess the program was catching up on past activity and got confused.

I am hoping a forum message will reveal the winning numbers for the upcoming Lottery drawing and I will have enough time to get to the store to purchase a ticket.  Ah, hope springs eternal.


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