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Alias use in Pandora Empty Alias use in Pandora

Fri Jan 27, 2023 11:09 am
How to use one or more alias in Pandora?
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Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:57 pm
nothing found how to handle an alias.
Tony Austin
Tony Austin
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Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

Wed Feb 08, 2023 3:06 pm
Thibaud, please give example(s) of precisely what you mean by "aliases" and how you would like to use them, so that some of us can attempt to assist you.

For example, if you can use a "nickname" in the Address Book as a type of alias, such as ""bs" being an alias for "" but this may not at all be what you're asking about.
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Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

Fri Apr 07, 2023 11:40 am
On one of my accounts I can use any combination of characters before the @ like or etc. as sender. It helps to organise all emails. So all emails I receive at can be easily filtered, all mailings from microsoft are sent to that address because I gave them that address for all contacts.
Tony Austin
Tony Austin
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Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

Fri Apr 07, 2023 2:45 pm
As far as I know, you can do that with Pandora (just as you could with Eudora).

For example, I have exclusive us of maid domain and can send/receive/filter as many different "aliases" (as you call them), such as into my Microsoft mail folder and into my IBM mail folder, into my Google mail folder, and so on.

Thibaud, isn't that the sort of thing that you think Pandora cannot do (because it can, vraiment)? If that's still not what you mean then please explain further.
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Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:38 am
That is indeed what I am looking for. But how to define those in Pandora?
Tony Austin
Tony Austin
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Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

Sun Apr 09, 2023 3:57 pm
I use filters to define what happens in each case. For example, you might define a filter has has both "incoming" and "outgoing" selected, with (for my Google-dedicated personality) criteria being "Any header contains:" and with action being "Move to mail folder: My Google stuff"
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Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

Sun Apr 09, 2023 4:53 pm
That is not what i am looking for. I am looking for a way to use a specific sender email address like so that when that email will be replied to that specific email address will be used.
Tony Austin
Tony Austin
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Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

Mon Apr 10, 2023 2:40 am
Then I reckon that you will have (via Help > Send Feedback > Request a New Feature) ask Brana if he would implement a way to do this.

For example, perhaps a new option something like "Use Incoming Recipient as Sender" in the Personality drop-down field of the dialog below (which you get by pressing the shift key before clicking the Reply button):

Alias use in Pandora Pandor54
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Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:30 am
Thibaud wrote:That is not what i am looking for. I am looking for a way to use a specific sender email address like so that when that email will be replied to that specific email address will be used.

This may run afoul of the configuration rules for your SMTP Server.

 I use Gmail to host my domain and the Gmail SMTP Server to send outgoing messages. In the Gmail account Settings, Accounts section, is an option titled "Send mail as:" where you list all the email addresses that will be used to send messages from the Gmail Account.  If the message contains a From email address not included in the list, Gmail will substitute the default email address.  In the same section is another option "When replying to a message:" where you can choose "Reply from the same address the message was sent to: or "Always replay from default address".

Hope this information helps.

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Join date : 2018-06-02

Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:10 am
You are looking for this, correct:
1. You receive mail from
2. Secondary sender's address is not specified in that received message (inside headers such as From, Reply-to, Sender, X-Sender etc), it's just some other address that you have.
3. You hit Reply, replied message is addressed to
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Alias use in Pandora Empty Re: Alias use in Pandora

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